
造境篇   缀锦篇   画外篇   悠然篇   情云篇   戏墨篇   小品篇   梦荷篇   野趣篇   书道篇


Most paintings on this web site it have been sold to public and private collector around the world from 1985 - 2003. His original works are found in public and private collections around the world. Owners include: the Emir of Bahrain; the Arab Emirates; the Foreign Office (Dubai); the Gulf International, UIC, UOB and DBS Banks (Singapore); BP Petroleum; the Crown Prince, Marina Mandarin, Oriental and Glass Hotels (Singapore); the Singapore Trade Commission (Taiwan); the Ministries of Health, Foreign Affairs and Defenses (Singapore); Vogel Park (Hamburg, Germany); Japan Fleet Services (Singapore); Hotel Istana (Kuala Lumpur), the Penang Museum (Malaysia)..........


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